Tom's blog

Tom's Trips

Across America

Killer Whales!

The one animal on our bucket list that we had not seen in the wild in all our years of travel is the Orca or Killer Whale. So we decided to solve that issue. We planned a trip to the San Juan Islands in Washington state where there are several local pods of Killer

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Washington Update

Before departing Oregon we visited Astoria for an afternoon. Beautiful town that sits on a hillside overlooking the Columbia River, just a few miles from the Pacific Ocean. Astoria is the oldest city west of the Rocky Mountains. It has water on three sides which has caused its growth to be stagnant for many

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2023 In 2023

Only happens every thousand years and this is the year. Everyone on earth will be 2023 this year. Just take your age and add the year you were born.

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There are nine lighthouses on the Oregon coast and we finally got to visit them all, or should say see them all, a couple are offshore. Actually there were 11 but only 9 remain. And only 4 even have lights in them. Zero have the old, original lights. We really enjoyed our visits to

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The Old Gal Blew Her Stack

One very interesting side trips we took was a detour inland to go back to 1980 and see Mount Saint Helens, or what is left of it. Remember, it is 1980. There are no cell phones, no internet, no satellite cameras with high resolution and live feeds, no high-tech laser measurements. It is way

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Oregon Coast

We entered the Oregon coast at the California state line just south of Brookings. We departed the Oregon coast halfway across the Columbia River as we crossed the Astoria-Megler bridge to Washington. All the way on highway 101. Stuart was excited, he had never been to Washington.

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Crater Lake

Leaving Crater Lake

Before departing the Crater Lake area we went waterfall hunting/viewing. There were a number of waterfalls along two highways near our RV park so we thought we’d check them out. We had a crude map showing the highways and the rough location of each water fall. Rough meaning possibly a 50 mile error radius

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Cat Trails / Cat Tails

Hiking with his buddy in Stout Grove Redwoods, Crescent City CA. They hike together everywhere &
when the cat is finished he craws in his backpack bed and naps until he is ready to hike again. First time
we’ve seen this for sure.

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2023 Summer Trip

We’re on the road again, first long trip since relocating to Vail, Arizona, about 25 miles southeast of Tucson in the dry desert air we have missed since leaving many, many years ago. Purpose of the trip was to beat the heat & we did so just in time. The week we left the

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Santa Elena Canyon

The gap in the distance is the exit from Santa Elena Canyon where the cliffs reach fifteen hundred feet above the Rio Grande River.

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