Sky Ute Casino RV Park Ignacio CO – Trip Recap

Had a great time at Priest Gulch Campground on the banks of the Delores River then we drove to Durango, Colorado and stayed at the Oasis RV “Resort”. We had stayed at the same RV park several times before when it was the Durango KOA. Now it’s a Resort. What that means is it has new ownership that put in a new Pickleball court and a miniature golf course, changed the name to “Resort” and raised the prices by more than just a little.

The site we were in was so narrow when our neighbors (from Albuquerque) put out their awning it came within inches of our trailer. And no room to park our tow vehicles without pulling into our neighbors space. Durango has wonderful water but the RV “Resort” had awful water and it was out of service two times on Memorial Day for almost the entire day. The inside staff was great but a couple of the outside guys were complete jerks, rude and obnoxious. Guess they get that way at a resort.

Highlight was the Saturday Rubber Duck Race. We purchased our duck for one dollar, recorded the duck’s number, our name and site number. Then at 6:30 PM everyone with a duck in the race and their friends gathered at the stream that runs through the park. ( It’s a stream when you are staying in a “Resort” but the rest of the world calls it an irrigation ditch). At a little past the posted starting time the race master picks up a plastic tub full of plastic ducks and dumps them into the current of the stream (ditch) and the race is on. The race covers maybe 30 yards. The first ducks to cross the finish line are the winners for the week and about ten feet past the finish a board that fits neatly across the stream has been placed. It has netting that allows the water to pass easily but stops the unruly ducks so they can be rested and ready to enter next week’s race. A few feet in front of the net are two resort employees with waders on and about knee deep in the stream and their job is to catch the ducks that place in the race.  Prize places are first, second, third and last. My duck scored second place and my prize was a big, single scoop ice cream sundae with the vanilla flavor of my choice and a squeeze of Hershey chocolate or caramel and some nuts on top. (they were out of whipped cream and cherries). In fact they ran out of vanilla before everyone had been served so one of the employees was calling Walmart to make sure they had some. We didn’t stayI and wait for them to drive to Walmart and back.

Participation in the race was larger than we expected and there were probably 40-50 ducks in the race. It was a big hit with all the kids in the “resort” and even the old folks enjoyed it.

We’re traveling with the Noffsingers from Fruita, CO again and they are having issues with their converter not wanting to convert. That means their batteries aren’t charging properly and when it’s time to work the jacks or slides there may not be enough juice in the batteries to do the job. So far has been ok but the jacks and slides are sure operating in slow motion. Hate it when RV things don’t work like they should, especially a vital item. Guess their rig will go to the hospital when they get it home.

We departed Durango and made the overland trek of 16 miles to Ignacio, CO. and are staying at the Sky Ute Casino Resort on the Ute Reservation. The resort has a great RV park with paved streets and sites, curbing, water, electricity, sewer and very nice landscaping. It is much nicer than the Durango resort and is a fraction of the price. With this resort we get a whole casino, restaurants, golf, pool, exercise room and a couple gift shops. Although everything still isn’t fully open from the Covid lockdown it’s a really a very nice place and we’ll come back to with hesitation. The friendliest, most helpful staff I think we have ever had.

We went to the casino on night one and put our bankrolls down like the rest of the fools thinking they’re going to break the bank and really had a blast playing the penny games. We’re not famous gamblers by any means and me for sure has no card sense. But when the night was over and the time for counting had come I had more than I had started with. So the rest of the group decided we would have dinner at the casino and the big winner would be paying. So much for coming out ahead and staying ahead.

Day two saw us hooked and back at the casino for more penny action. Again the casino gods were favoring me and I finished with more pennies than I started with again. I refused to buy dinner again for this greedy group but everyone stuck me for dessert. 

Tonight we were back at the casino and this time we had bags and bags ready for stashing all our winnings. But alas, the casino gods must have left town. I don’t think I hit a single win all night and when my budget expired I was bust. Priss wasn’t much better but Judy and Norm came out ahead. So we stuck them for dessert tonight. Let them experience being winners when moochers are hanging around.

Ignacio is in a really nice setting at the base of the San Juan Mountain with views of the snow capped peaks, rolling farm and ranch lands. Elevation is about 6,500 feet so it’s still not easy to breathe and it takes a lot our of you pulling the one armed bandit’s arm continually. Time to move on and rest.


– Tom

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